Find the best cosmetic dentist
in Buenos Aires
It´s common to choose a dentist quickly when we have a problem such as pain or tooth fracture. But when it comes to cosmetic dental care or complex treatments such as dental implants, the patient has more time to choose the right dentist.
It is important to choose a qualified and experienced cosmetic dentist before having dental treatment done in Buenos Aires.
A cosmetic dentistry expert has more ability to handle both extreme and simple procedures. If any complications arise, he will be more skilled to solve it.
In addition, a cosmetic dentist who has performed many complex dental treatments will be more skilled and experienced to provide the patient with a beautiful smile. Cosmetic dental treatments such as dental veneers and porcelain crowns require an artistic touch to produce a most attractive and natural look. Below are some ideas that will help you choose a dentist that performs cosmetic dentistry.
Choosing the best dentist in Buenos Aires
• Choose a Dentist whose office is located in a safe and touristic neighborhood of Buenos Aires.
• Choose an English speaking dentist, it´s the best way to communicate and express your wishes.
• Find a dentist who has attended a well known university, has a master degree and dental training abroad.
There are some cosmetic treatments as dental veneers that are widely used in the US but are not as common in Buenos Aires.
• Try to find a dentist who performs cosmetic dentistry in his practice.
• Seek recommendations from friends and relatives or internet forums.
• After finding a dentist, research about his skills and expertise when it comes to the treatment you need to do, request this information directly from him or visit the office.
• To get an idea of the results you can expect from your treatment, ask the dentist to show you before and after photos of previous patients.
• The office should be clean and nice.
• The dentist should be friendly and answer all of the patients questions with patience.
• While you are in the waiting room, ask patients about their previous experiences with that doctor. If there are patients that have had the treatment done many years ago and are still happy about it, then you are in the right way.
• Has your actual dentist explained you about how to brush your teeth properly? Good dentists advise their patients about these issues, because they are committed to provide an excellent service that also involves your health, aside from the cosmetic treatment. The dentist has to show you in the mirror all the areas that you should pay more attention to while brushing your teeth . It is also important that the dentist advices you about your diet, and that frequent intake of sweets increases the risk of cavities.
• A good cosmetic dentist will be able to provide different treatments to improve you smile and take special care of those teeth that are in worst condition. Instead of extracting them, he should try to save them with a root canal.
• Choose a dentist who prefers to work outside prepaid dental insurance, as their patients will choose him because of his work and not because he’s is in the list that the prepaid health company provides. Also the dentist will have more time to spend with the patient and will work without a rush.
• A good dentist in Buenos Aires must inquire you about your medical and dental history. He should ask for your allergies and want to know if you are diagnosed with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hepatitis, high blood pressure or if you are pregnant. This is important because, in these cases, treatment should be handled more carefully than usual.
Most of the people that’s interested in cosmetic dentistry tries to find the most cheap treatment. In these cases, the popular saying “you get what you pay for” often holds true. Do not trust your appearance to a dentist simply because he offers a low price. Find a cosmetic dentist who has the ability and experience to transform your smile and boost your confidence.
We hope the above guidelines can help you select a qualified dentist in Buenos Aires.