Emergency Dentist in Buenos Aires
We are well aware that being in dental pain or having dental aesthetics-related emergencies can affect the normal routine and function of the patient’s life, and these situations must be resolved as soon as possible. In Buenos Aires you have many dentist, but just a few speak english as a second language.
We aim to provide excellent service as well as the necessary support and comfort in such circumstances so as to solve the problem promptly.
If you are in Buenos Aires, and you need a dentist call us now at 4828-0821 and we will see you immediately.
If you have dental travel insurance, and you want to know how it works. CLICK HERE
Any infection can become worst without a proper treatment.
Following mentioned situations need to be taken care of as soon as possible by an emergency dentist in Buenos Aires.
– Gum infection: red and swollen gums that bleed easily and hurt while brushing? Then you may have a gingivitis or a periodontitis. Both are different types of gum infection that are quite common among travellers due to a lack of proper oral hygiene and a not-healthy diet. A regular or a deep cleaning, an antiseptic mouthwash and maybe an antibiotic, the problem can be solved. The dentist can do a follow up to ensure the gum is healing well if you are stay few more days in Buenos Aires.
– Tooth abscess: if a sharp pain arises and your face starts swelling and /or a tooth hurts lots when you chew and you feel presure inside your jawbone, you are probably developing an abscess. It is very important to stop the infection, to avoid it´s spread. A drainage, antibiotics, and sometimes a root canal therapy are common procedures against an abscess. Pain can be eased taking painkillers prescribed by the dentist in Buenos Aires. Avoid taking over the counter medication due risk of masking simptoms and make the diagnosis more dificult.
– Broken wires or retainers: If you are travelling in Buenos Aires and a wire or a brace loosens, you should find help of a dentist soon. This kind of situations can lead to damages of your lips, tongue, and cheeks. Also, besides the pain, teeth could start moving and injury may become infected.
– Loose or coming out crown: if a crown comes out bacterial leaking, infection, and bad taste arise, making difficult to chew and keep teeth clean. Also, gum may grow around and cover the tooth. In this case, gum may be resected. In order to avoid those consequences the best is to glue the crown back ASAP.
– Tooth fracture: when you have an accident and hit your face or bite on something too hard, tooth structure can break. Dental fractures may involve the crown, the root or both. Depending on the amount of tissue involved – and the location of the fracture – treatments vary from a polishing to a bonding, a porcelain veneer, a crown, and a root canal if tooth is dead. A thorough examination and X-rays are needed to help the dentist make an acurate diagnosis.
– Deep decay: Been lazy using the dental floss?, Or a sharp pain appears while eating sweets, or with cold and hot drinks?. If that is your situation, you may have an inflamation of the nerve. The dentist will tell you which is the best treatment: if decay is small it can be fixed with a filling. But if it is a huge one, an onlay, a build up, and a root canal may be necessary. The goal is to get rid of infection and restore the tooth. Ask the dentist if the material of the restauration will match the color of your tooth.
– Wisdom tooth pain: if you feel an intense pain at the back of you mouth, or while you swallow, bad breath, swelling face on one side, and can open your mouth very little, probably the wisdom tooth is erupting. In this cases, removing the tooth is usually the best to prevente this situation happen again. The dentist in Buenos Aires may prescribe painkillers, antibiotics and antiseptic rinses to ease the pain and finally solve the problem.
– Tooth infection: if a tooth is dead, bacteria multiply inside, eventually causing swelling, pain, inflamation and fever sometimes. Decay, gum infection, a fracture, a crack, etc. can cause tooth infections. An infection usually starts with slight symthoms that over the time get worse. In this case do a consultation with a dentist very soon. It is always better prevention than cure!.
Let us help you if you have a dental emergency. We will do the best and you will gon on enjoying your trip with a happy smile.
If you need a dentist in Buenos Aires, please contact us.
We will be pleased to answer your inquiry.